In the last decades, various events have shown that electromechanical oscillations are a major concern for large interconnected Alternative Current (AC) power systems. DC segmentation - a method that consists in turning large AC grids into a set of asynchronous AC clusters linked by Direct Current (DC) links - is a promising solution to mitigate this and other issues. However, no systematic segmentation procedure for a given AC power system exists so far. This paper aims at filling this gap and proposes an algorithm for DC segmentation for a given AC power system to mitigate electromechanical oscillations. In this proposal, DC segmentation is implemented with High Voltage Direct Current links based on Voltage Source Converters (VSC-HVDC). The algorithm uses small-signal stability techniques and the concept of dominant inter-area oscillation paths to eliminate the main inter-area mode of the power system. The algorithm will be explained using a six-generator test system and it will then be used on the Nordic 44 test system. The proposed algorithm for DC segmentation has been validated by means of non-linear timedomain simulation and small-signal stability analysis (SSSA).
Keywords: HVAC/HVDC, Voltage Source Converter, VSC-HVDC, power system stability, inter-area oscillations, electromechanical oscillation damping, DC segmentation, dominant path.
JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 3,400 - Q2 (2023)
DOI reference:
Published on paper: 2023.
Published on-line: June 2023.
M. Robin, J. Renedo, J.C. González-Torres, A. García-Cerrada, A. Benchaib, P. García-González, An algorithm for DC segmentation of AC power systems to mitigate electromechanical oscillations. IEEE Access. Vol. 11, pp. 64651 - 64667, 2023. [Online: June 2023]